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关于印发咸宁高新区对外开放发展 “黄金十条”(2021年版)的通知

索引号 : 000014349/2021-39685 文       号 : 咸高管发〔2021〕4号

主题分类: 政务公开 发文单位: 咸宁高新区管委会

名       称: 关于印发咸宁高新区对外开放发展 “黄金十条”(2021年版)的通知 发布日期: 2021年12月01日

有效性: 有效 发文日期: 2021年11月29日












第一条  鼓励引进外商外资投资项目




第二条  鼓励外资企业在园区设立研发机构




第三条  鼓励企业出口创汇






第四条  鼓励企业加强境外知识产权保护


第五条  鼓励企业开展境外商标注册


第六条  鼓励企业跨境创新发展



第七条  鼓励企业境内外参展


第八条  鼓励外贸综合服务平台发展建设


第九条  鼓励企业引进外籍高层次人才


第十条  鼓励外资企业进行高企认定












Ten Golden Rules for Opening up and Development of Xian’ning High-tech Zone

In order to promote the stable growth of foreign trade and develop an open economy, in accordance with the relevant spirit of the Opinions of Xian’ning Municipal People's Government on Strengthening Investment Attraction (Xianfa [2017] No. 7), and in combination with the actual work of the high-tech zone, the content of the "Ten Gold Rules for the Opening up and Development of Xian’ning High-tech Zone" issued in 2018 is improved to form the "Ten Gold Rules for the Opening up and Development of Xian’ning High-tech Zone".

. Encouraged objects

1. Enterprises in the park with independent legal personality, which are registered in the high-tech zone for operation, and whose tax collection and management as well as import and export data are managed by the high-tech zone.

2. Productive foreign trade enterprises with an annual export scale of more than US $10 million.

3. Trade oriented foreign trade enterprises with an annual export scale of more than US $10 million.

4. Processing trade enterprises with annual import and export scale of more than US $10 million and posses processing trade production capacity certificate.

5. Foreign trade comprehensive service platform enterprises recognized by provincial and municipal commerce departments and the High-tech Zone Management Committee.

. Policy Support

Article 1 Encourage the introduction of foreign investment projects.

1. Foreign investors are encouraged to invest in Xian’ning. For foreign-funded enterprises registered in the park, in addition to enjoying Item (8) of Article 2 of Several Opinions of Xianning Municipal People's Government on Strengthening Investment Promotion (XF [2017] No. 7): for foreign-funded enterprises established in this city, if the actual capital received is between 10 million dollars (inclusive) and 30 million dollars, a one-time reward of 1 million yuan will be given; If the actual capital received is more than 30 million dollars (inclusive), in addition to a one-time reward of 2 million yuan, the high-tech zone will reward 500000 yuan and 1 million yuan respectively.

2. For production oriented foreign trade enterprises and processing trade enterprises, we will provide full service for enterprises to go through the formalities of registration, unified social credit code certificate, tax registration, import and export business registration and filing.

3. We will encourage major foreign investment projects to settle down. For major foreign investment projects with total exports of more than 500 million US dollars, according to the "Several Opinions of the Provincial People's Government on Further Improving the Quality of Investment Attraction and Talent Introduction in the New Era" (EZF [2018] No. 34), supporting incentive support and guarantee services are provided in the form of "one project, one discussion" and "one enterprise, one policy".

Article 2 Foreign funded enterprises are encouraged to set up R&D institutions in the park. For R&D centers, technology centers, laboratories, research institutes and other R&D institutions established by foreign investors in the park, recognized by municipal science and technology departments and the High-tech Zone Management Committee, they can enjoy the following awards, which can be repeated with other policies

1. The high-tech zone will give a supporting reward of 1% of the fixed asset investment of R&D institutions, with the maximum reward not exceeding 2 million yuan.

2. Enterprises with foreign R&D institutions' actual annual growth rate of R&D expenses of 10% or more, and the R&D expenses actually invested in that year accounted for more than 3% of the operating income of that year. The high-tech zone will be awarded 10% of the total amount of actual R&D investment. The maximum amount shall not exceed 1 million yuan.

Article 3 Enterprises are encouraged to earn foreign exchange through export. According to the Implementation Measures of Xianning Municipal People's Government for Promoting the Development of Foreign Trade (XZF [2013] No. 23), the High-tech Zone will provide supporting support to enterprises in the High-tech Zone that meet the requirements, in addition to enjoying the corresponding awards from the municipal government:

1. For enterprises with export performance in the current year, the High-tech Zone will reward them with 0.03yuan for every US $1 exported.

2. For enterprises newly opened in the same year, the High-tech Zone will reward them with 0.05yuan for every US $1 exported.

3. For processing trade enterprises with an annual export value of more than 10 million US dollars, the high-tech zone will reward 1000 yuan for every 1 million US dollars increase in export value, and the annual subsidy for a single enterprise will not exceed 2 million yuan.

4. Enterprises are encouraged to make breakthroughs in developing foreign trade exports. For enterprises whose annual self operated export volume increases by more than 5 million dollars, the high-tech zone will reward them 50,000 yuan.

Article 4 Enterprises are encouraged to strengthen overseas intellectual property protection. Enterprises are supported to carry out national PCT(Patent Cooperation Treaty) patent authorization. For enterprises that have obtained invention patent authorization from European and American countries, a reward of 200,000 yuan/piece will be given; For enterprises that have obtained invention patent authorization from other countries or regions, a reward of 50,000 yuan/piece will be given. A single enterprise can be rewarded up to 3 patent authorizations from different countries or regions, and the same patent cannot be applied repeatedly.

Article 5 Enterprises are encouraged to register overseas trademarks. For enterprises whose registered place is in the park and have obtained overseas valid trademark registration, the high-tech zone will give a reward of 10,000 yuan per enterprise. The same trademark can only be awarded once, and there is no limit for a single enterprise to obtain overseas trademark approval in multiple countries or regions.

Article 6 Encourage enterprises to innovate and develop cross-border.

1. For domestic holding enterprises registered in Xianning High-tech Zone, and enterprises that set up overseas R&D institutions (including overseas incubators), marketing service institutions, overseas production and manufacturing bases, joint construction of cross-border economic cooperation parks, overseas science and technology parks, border industrial parks and other overseas branches, after being recognized by the Municipal Bureau of Commerce and the Administrative Committee of the High-tech Zone, the High-tech Zone will give 1 million yuan of cross-border innovation and development subsidies. For major innovation leading projects, after being recognized by municipal science and technology departments and the High-tech Zone Management Committee, they will be rewarded in the way of "one case, one discussion".

2. For science and technology cooperation projects between enterprises in the park and overseas universities or research institutes, 30% of the project funds actually paid by the enterprise to the other party after the completion of the project will be rewarded, with the maximum amount not exceeding 2 million yuan.

Article 7 Enterprises are encouraged to participate in overseas exhibitions. For enterprises in the park participating in international exhibitions, the high-tech zone will subsidize 50% of the actual amount of booth fees, special decoration fees, logistics fees, transportation fees and other expenses. The subsidy for a single exhibition shall not exceed 20000 yuan, and the annual cumulative subsidy for a single enterprise shall not exceed 100000 yuan.

Article 8 Encourage the development and construction of comprehensive foreign trade service platforms. Subsidies will be given to trade oriented foreign trade enterprises and foreign trade comprehensive service platform enterprises. For foreign trade comprehensive service enterprises that have been identified as aiming at providing comprehensive foreign trade services and providing services such as qualification agency, customs clearance logistics, market development, foreign trade negotiation, foreign exchange tax refund, financing services, credit insurance, training and consulting for small and medium-sized enterprises, a subsidy of  0.01 yuan will be given for every one dollar if the import and export scale of that year is more than 200 million dollars. The annual subsidy of unit enterprises or platforms shall not exceed 500,000 yuan.

Article 9 Encourage enterprises to introduce and cultivate high-level foreign talents. Actively support enterprises in the park to introduce and cultivate overseas high-level innovative talents and management talents. For the introduction of foreign top talents, the enterprise will be awarded 150,000, 100,000 and 50,000 yuan respectively. Foreign talents who are recognized as the "South Hubei Talent Plan" in our city will be rewarded with 100,000, 50,000 and 20,000 yuan respectively, and the same person will not be rewarded repeatedly. This award is supported by the talent award policy of Xianning City.

Article 10 Foreign funded enterprises are encouraged to carry out high enterprise identification. Rewards of 50000 yuan will be given to enterprises for warehousing cultivation; For the first time recognized national high-tech enterprises, under the premise of enjoying the high enterprise policy, an award of 50000 yuan will be given to export-oriented enterprises.

.Circumstances without support

Under any of the following circumstances, no support or reward will be given:

1. Any act in violation of the constitution, laws and regulations;

2. Production safety, social security, environmental impact assessment standards, etc. are "one vote veto";

3. Other circumstances that are against the rules.


1. The content of this document is interpreted by Science and Technology Innovation and Economic Development Bureau of Xianning High-tech Zone.

2. This document will be implemented from January 1, 2021 for a period of three years, and the policy content will not be retroactive. During the implementation process, in case of changes in superior regulations and policies, they will be revised in due time.
